Potential DBase error - Help please.

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Potential DBase error - Help please.

Post by EdM »


I have a customer who is in the database with a telephone number. The same customer also has another number. When I try to add the second number to his record, POS states that there is a duplicate already in the system. Also, when I put the number into the Tel number input box and press return, instead of the order screen coming up, the box just clears and nothing happens. It is purley happenning with this one number. All other numbers work and I can call the customer record up using the search customer facility.

I have searched the dbase for this number and no records come up with this number. The sw insists that the number is in the dbase.

Any ideas?

For the record the number is 910983865822
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Post by Scott »

Rebuild the Telephone number database from the Database Maintenance Tool. The phone numbers are saved in a separate data file with links to the customer that owns them. It is however possible to have a number in the database with a dead customer link. The rebuild option will remove any numbers that are not tied to a customer.

Remember always backup before doing any rebuiling or other operations.

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