Category Sales Percentages Report

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Category Sales Percentages Report

Post by Scott »

There is a Category Sales Percentages Report available for downloading that is an add-on for POS Pizza v4.0. To download this file please see our Downloads page at our main web site.

Below is an excerpt from the ReadMe file explaining this report:
This will install an extra report that can be launched from the newly created desktop icon. This report will show sales percentages, totals, and averages by category for different periods. The periods are broken down by day of the week. Each day will show an estimated total sales by category for that day of the week. The top number is the total for all of that weekday's sales for the given report range. The bottom number will be the average. The number that precedes the / (Slash) is the number of actual days counted to develop the total. So if you ran a report for a 1-month period, you may have 4/ Thursdays in the report. The bottom number is the average sales on Thursdays based on those 4 days.
Install this on the same computer where you originally installed POS Pizza. The installer will create an Icon on the desktop to run this report.

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